Asset Management Fundamentals

 Asset Management Fundamentals

  • Role of Fixed Assets within Oracle Financials
  • Understanding setup of Books and Categories
  • View financial information per asset
  • View transaction history per asset
  • Manually add individual assets and using Asset Workbench
  • Prepare Mass Addition information
  • Post Mass Addition information to Asset Tables to create assets
  • Delete Mass Addition information from Mass Additions Table
  • Transfer assets on mass between expense accounts, locations and employees
  • Source line transfer
  • Perform Mass Changes to asset financial information
  • Perform a Mass Revaluation of assets
  • Retire assets on mass
  • Reclassify assets by category, on mass
  • Run depreciation per depreciation book
  • Run Calculate Gains and Losses request after retire assets
  • Perform What-if Analysis based on real/hypothetical data
  • Rollback (reverse) depreciation per depreciation book
  • Perform individual tax reserve adjustments on assets
  • Run Initial Mass Copy to populate tax books
  • Run Periodic Mass Copy to periodically update tax books
  • Perform Mass Depreciation Adjustments per tax book
  • Create Deferred Depreciation journal entries on a tax book, to General Ledger
  • Create Standard journal entries to General Ledger
  • Rollback (reverse) journal entries per depreciation book

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